116楼 铁鞭01说: 12.16推拿手法治疗糖尿病初探
糖尿病是一种常见的内分泌代谢性疾病,可分为原发性和 继发性两大类。
原发性糖尿病简称糖尿病,占绝大多数,病因尚未明确, 有遗传倾向,其基本病理生理为绝对或相对胰岛素分泌不足, 引起糖、蛋白质和脂肪、水及电解质的代谢紊乱,尤其脂肪代 谢紊乱可引起酮症酸中毒、失水、昏迷等。
继发性糖尿病又称症状性糖尿病,大多数继发于拮抗胰岛 素的内分泌病。临床较为少见,不在本文中讨■论。
糖尿病属中医学“消渴”病范畴。中医认为本病的发生 是由于素体阴虚、饮食不节、情志失调等引起。临床上分上 消、中消、下消。上消以烦渴引饮、中消以消谷善饥、下消以 小溲如膏为主症。全身表现消瘦,即所谓三多一少(喝得多、 吃得多、尿得多、身体消瘦)。其他可伴有皮肤瘙痒,女性阴 部瘙痒、视物不清、四肢酸痛或麻木等症。
我们参考中西医诊断特点进行分析,针对不同情况采取相 应的推拿措施治疗糖尿病,在临床上取得一定进展,现报道 如下。
临床上我们将糖尿病以标本辨证法,进行观察及治疗。所 谓标,是指血糖升高,把血糖高为主症,尤以血糖升高为关键 症状,把血糖测定值为观察指标。推拿的目的在于降低血糖, 而降低血糖的途径是使血糖在人体内自行消耗。使血糖自身消 耗的方法有3种:①推拿全身肌肉(以肌肉丰厚的腰背部及下 肢部为主);②摩腹、揉腹或振腹,促使腹腔充血,而导致血 糖消耗;③练功,练功方法有静功、动功及西医体疗3种方 法。总之,以上3种手段对降低血糖有比药物疗效明显的 特点。
lung and consumption of body fluid. Its main symptoms include restlessness and thirst with desire to drind large quantities of water. Middle diabetes is caused by excess heat in the stomach,its main symptoms including overeating and hunger. Lower diabetes is caused by deficency of kidneyYin, with main symptoms including milky urine, frequent urination and sugar in the urine. Apparent loss of body weight is present in all these conditions.
Massotherapy is effective in the treatment of Biao ( manifestations )of diabetes by lowering blood sugar,and of Ben ( underying cause) by regulating panereatic function.
1. Points :
Yishu (located 1. 5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinal process of T8),Feishu ( UB 13),Pishu ( UB 20) , Shenshu (UB 23 ) , Zhongwan ( Ren 12 ) , Qihai ( Ren 6 ),Liangmen (St 21),Abdomen, muscles of the four limbs.
2. Methods :
(1) Point pressing : Press with the thumb Feishu ( UB 13 ), Yishu, Pishu (UB 20),and Shenshu ( UB 23) with the patient in prone position, then massage Zhongwan ( Ren 12),Qihai (Ren 6) and Liangmen ( St 21) with either one - finger or middle finger maneuver by pressing in a circular motion with the patient in supine position.
(2) Massage the abdomen with circular motion: The patient takes a supine Dosition. The abdomen is massaged with the palm counterclockwise in circular motion for 5 〜8 minutes,covering the^ whole abdomen progressively until the abdomen feels hot inside.
(3) Massage the four limbs: The patient takes a prone position ,the cutaneous regions of the three yang channels of hand and foot are massaged forward and backward with the palmar side of the index, middle and ring fingers. Then the patient changes to a su -
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pine positron,and the cutaneous regions of the three yin channels of hand and foot are onassaged to and fro. Finally,the rolling or grasping manipulation is applied to the large muscles of the four limbs until the limbs become warm.
The auttor thinks that massaging the abdomen in a circular motion and all four limbs treats Biao ( manifestations) of diabetes by lowering blood sugar level, while pressing such points as Yishu treats Ben ( underlying cause) of the disease by regulating the pancreatic function.
Impotence means weakness or inability of the adult male to a-chieve erection. It is often the result of disturbed neuromuscular function and certain chronic diseases characterized by weakness.
Massotherapy is effective in the treatment of various types of impotence not of organic nature.
1 Points :
Main pionts : Mingemen (Du 4 ),Shenshu ( UB 23 ), Shangliao (UB31), Ciliao (UB 32), Zhongliao (UB 33), Xi-aliao ( UB 34 ),Guanyuan ( Ren 4 ),Sanyinjiao ( Sp 6 ),and Abdomen.
Secondary points : For decline of fire of the vital gate : Shenshu (UB 23), Shangliao (UB 31), Ciliao (UB 32) , Zhongliao (UB 33 ),) Xialiao ( UB 34 ),the Du Channel ; for damage to the kidney due to fear and fright: Head, Xianshu ( UB 15),and Danshu (UB 19) ; for downward movement of damp - heat: Tian-shu (St 25 ) , Yinlingquan ( Sp 9 ),Tai chong ( Liv 3 ),and Xiaochangshu ( UB 27).
2. Methods :
(1 ) The patient takes prone position. The operator employs the thumb to press and pull Mingmen ( Du 4 ) heavily. Then such
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points on the back as Shenshu ( UB 23 ),Shangliao ( UB 31), Ciliao ( UB 32),Zhongliao ( UB 33 ) and xialiao ( UB 34 ) are pressed or rubbed according to differentiated patterns of conditions.
(2) The patient takes a supine position, with the operator standing on the right side. The abdomen and the points at the anterior aspect of the four limbs are treaded with one 一 finger manipulation or point pressing technique, one to two minutes at each point.
(3) Vibrate the abdomen: The patient takes a supine position ,again with the operator standing on the right side. Place the center of the palm Laogong ( P 8 ) against Shenque ( Ren 8 ) of the patient,resting the root of the palm on Guanyuan ( Ren 4 ), spreading the five fingers apart at the upper abdomen, with the middle finger on the Ren Channel, index and ring finger on the Kidney Channel bilaterally, and the thumb and small finger on the stomach channel bilaterally. The vibration continues for 10 ~ 15 minutes.
(4) Massage the head and face ( refer to neurasthenia previously in traduced )
Pain in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region during premenstrual. menstrual and postmenstrual periods is referred to as dysmenorrhea The accompanying symptoms include a bearing -down sensation in the lower abdomen or even loss of consciousness due to severe pain in serions cases.
Massotherapy is effective in the treatment of functional dysemorrhea.
1. Points :
Mingmen ( Du 4 ),Shenshu ( UB 23 ),Shangliao ( UB 31),Ciliao (UB 32) , Zhongliao ( UB 33 ) , Xialiao ( UB 34 ), Guanyuan (Ren 4),Hegu (LI 4),and Sanyinjiao (Sp 6).
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2. Methods :
(1) Treatment begins a week before the period and continues for three days in succession. Three months comprise a course. Treatment should continue without break if one course is not effective.
(2) Pluck Mingmen ( Du 4) : The patient takes a sitting or prone position. The operator uses the thumb to pull up forcefully the interspinal ligaments of L2 and L3 and immediately release them 10 〜15 times.
(3 ) Press with the finger Shenshu ( UB 23 ),Shangliao (UB31), Ciliao (UB 32), Zhongliao ( UB 33) , and Xialiao (UB 34) with the patient in prone position. In cases of deficiency and cold syndrome, the above points are rubbed until the local area becomes warm.
(4) Turn the patient to a supine position,Massage Guanyuan (Ren4) with one 一 finger manipulation or pressing in a circular motion with a finger. Then press with the finger Hegu ( LI 4) and Sanyinjiao ( sp 6) 3 〜5times.
Hyperplasia of mammary glands is a non - inflammatory disease of breasts, very common in women between 30 and 40 years old, resulting from endocrine disturbance. It is marked by lumps of varying sizes in the breasts,which become swollen and painful during the premenstrual period,the symptoms subsiding when the period is over, This disease accounts for two thirds of all diseases of mammary glands,often occurring in single women,or women who have never become pregnant, or never nursed a baby and are over thirty years old. It also occurs in women who have mental depres -sion or sexual functional disturbance.
Massotherapy has been proved to be effective in relieving pain,
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resolving lumps, and regulating endocrine disurbance.
1. Points :
Geshu ( UB 17 ),Ganshu ( UB 18 ) , Shenshu ( UB 23 ), Tianzong (SI 11 ), Jianjing ( GB 21 ) , Wuyi (St 15 ), Shanzhong ( Ren 17),Sanyinjiao ( Sp 6) , Abdomen, Vertebral Colunm, Tendon of Greater Pectoral Muscle.
2. Methods :
(1) The patient takes a prone position. The operator employs the method of three 一 kneading and three 一 grasping to massage the muscles along the spine,presses points on the back for one minute at each point, then grasps Jianjing ( GB 21) 3 〜5 times. Finally, the operator rubs the lumbosaeral region until it becomes warm, or strikes the sacral region with the back of the first 20 times.
(2) The patient turns to a supine position. The operator presses points on the trunk and four limbs, one minute at each point, grasping tendon of greater pectoral muscle 5 〜10 times. The chest and hypochondrium on both sides are then rubbed until the patient feels comfortable. Finally vibrate the abdomen with the palm for 5 〜10 minutes.
Aphonia often occurs in teachers, actors and actresses who u-sually speak a lot. The common accompanyiny symptoms and signs include dryness of the throat, dry cough, hoarse voice, or loss of voice, Indirect laryngoscopy reveals incomplete closure of the glottis or inability of the vocal cord on one side to ribrate, IF caused by invasion of external pathogens, aphonia is accompanied by acute or chronic laryngitis.
Massotherapy has proved effective in the treatment of functional aphonia. The author has succeeded in treating aphonia due to chronic laryngitis, paralysis of unialteral laryngeal nerve, and traumatic
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paralysis of unilateral laryngeal nerve.
1. Points :
Jiahouxue (two vertical lines 1. 5 cun lateral lo the Adam’ s apple) , shanzhong ( Ren 17),Tiantu ( Ren 22),Fengchi ( GB 20),Quchi (LI 11),and Hegu ( LI 4) •
2. Methods :
(1) Grasp and massage Jiahouxue : The patient takes a sitting position. The operator places the thumb at one vertical line and the four fingers at the other vertical line 1. 5 cun lateral to the Adam,s apple,then employs the swaying technique of one - finger manipulation to massage Jiahouxue from the top to the bottom for 10 〜15 minutes.
(2) Point pressing: The patient takes a sitting position. The operator uses the middle finger to press and massage Tiantu ( Ten 22),Shanzhong (Ren 17),Fengchi (GB 20),Quchi (LI 11), and Hegu ( LI 4) , one minute at each point.
Advice : The patient should take care not to catch cold during treat ment.
Jourmal Traditiond Chinese Medicine 13 (3): 217 一 220, 1993.
Department of Massage, Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing College of TCM, Beijiag 100700
Coronary Heart Disease ( CHD )
The CHD patient must be given emergency treatment by physicians at the acute onset of myocardial infarction,but keeping - fit massage can help to produce good therapeutic effect at the convales-
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cent stage during which the patient often has chest distress, hypodynamia ,abnormal EGG, and even left cardiac functional insufficiency ,After keeping 一 fit massage treatment the patient ’ s clinical symptoms may disappear. ECG and mechanocardio - grams improve to some extent or even become normal.
1. Selection of points :
Feishu ( UB 13 ),Xinshu ( UB 15 ),Wuyi (St 15 ), Shanzhong (Ren 17) and Neiguan (P 6).
2. Manipulation :
(1 ) Pressing and kneading Feishu and Xinshu : The patient takes a sitting position. The doctor presses and kneads the two points with the thumb or the middle finger for 5 minutes until local soreness with distension is produced.
(2) Kneading Neiguan ( P 6) : The patient sits with the forearms in neutral position. The doctor presses and kneads Neiguan bilaterally for 5 minutes.
(3) Reading Shanzhong ( Ren 17) : The patient takes a sitting position or lies on the back. The doctor presses and kneads Shanzhong point with the thumb or middle finger for 5 minutes.
(4) Rubbing the chest: The patient lies on the back during treatment. The doctor rubs the chest back and forth along the 1st, 2nd and 3rd intercostal spaces with the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands for 5 ~ 7 minutes. The right hand rubs the Left chest while the left hand rubs the right, Manipulation should be rapid and light rather than heavy and slow. The stress of the manipulation should be put on Wuyi point (St 15 ) which is on the mid
一 mammary line at the level of the second intercostal space.
The above manipulations are performed once every other day for 5 〜7 minutes each time, 15 treatments constituting a therapeutic course. The method if used appropriately,can bring about thera-
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peutic effect within one course ; a second course can be given without interval.
Epigastralgia is a main symptom of the digestive - tract diseases characterized by pain in the upper abdomen as in gastritis, ulcer ,and gastrospasm.
TCM believes that epigastraligia is closely related to the functions of Spleen, Stomach, Liver and Kidney. The disordered descending -ascending and transporting functions of Stomach and Spleen,or the transverse invasion of Spleen by hyperactive Liver -qi,or insufficient Kidney 一 yang can all cause pathological changes of Stomach and Spleen. Massotherapy can produce a good keeping -fit and therapeutic effect.
1. Selection of points
(1) Main points: Zhongwan (Ren 12),Tianshu (St 25), Qihai ( Ren 6),Neiguan (P 6) and Zusanli (St 36).
(2) Auxiliary points: In case of pain due to improper diet, pressing Pishu ( UB 20) and Weishu ( UB 21),and rubbing the abdomen are added to eliminate undigested and stagnated food; in case of invasion of stomach by hyperative Liver - qi, pressing Yan-glingquan ( GB 34) and Taichong ( Liv 3 ) and nibbing both hypochondria are added to relieve the depressed Liver, regulate the circulation of qi and restore its transporting function ; in case of hy-perhydrochloria,pressing Gongsun ( Sp 4 ),Riyue ( GB 24 ) and Qimen ( Liv 14) is added; in case of severe pain, press and knead the sensitive spot found in the back,The pain may immediately stop.
2. Manipulation
(1) Sitting the right side of the patient who is in supine position ,the doctor :
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1) pushes and kneads ( or presses and kneads) Zhongwan point ( Renl2) with the thumb for 5 minutes ;
2 ) kneads the upper abdomen with the palm for 3 minutes and then the middle and lower abdomen for 2 minutes ;
3 ) and presses with the finger Qihai ( Ren 6 ),Tianshu ( St 25) , Neiguan (P 6) , Zusanli (St 36),Riyue ( GB 24),and Qimen ( Liv 14).
(2) Standing at the side of the patient who is in a prone position, the doctor.
1 ) first presses Pishu ( UB 20),Weishu ( UB 21) , Ganshu (UB18 ) , Shenshu ( UB 23),or presses the tender Point (the sensitive point) lateral to the thoracic vertebral process ;
2) and then rubs with the palm from Pishu ( UB 20) to Shenshu ( UB 23 ) along both sides of the spine for cases of the deficiency -cold type.
In clinical practice, the above manipulations are selected and used based on syndrome differentiation.
The main symptoms of gastroptosis in elude abdominal distension which is worse after meals but better in a lying position, nausea, eructation, gastralgia, stomach distension, constipation or diarrhea, poor appetite and so on. There are also other general symptoms including emaciation, vertigo, lassitude, palpitation ,and insomnia. Barium X - ray of the gastrointestinal tract may help in diagnosis.
Massotherapy is a very good method of treatment for this disease, which can be done by patients themselves or by others.
1. Selection of points :
Zhongwan ( Ren 12 ) , Tianshu (St 25 ) , Qihai ( Ren 6 ), Baihui ( DU 20) , and Zusanli (St 36) plus the spine and abdo-
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2. Manipulation :
(1) The patient assumes a sitting or supine position. Baihui (Du 20),Zusanli (St 36), Zhongwan (Ren 12), Tianshu (St 15) and Qihai (Ren 6) are pressed and kneaded with the thumb or middle finger, each for one minute.
(2) In a supine position, the patient kneads the abdomen with the palm, moving clockwise along the outer border of the abdomen for 5 minutes.
(3) Pinching the spine: The patient assumes a prone position with the hack exposed. The operator pinches the skin along the sp-ing from the sacrum to Dazhui (Du 14) point with the thumbs and index fingers of both hands, this is repeated three times, and then Pishu (UB 20) and Weishu ( UB 21) are pressed and kneaded for a few minutes.
(4 ) Supporting the stomach : Lying supine,the patient places both hands ( the ten fingers crossing each other) on the lower abdomen ; Pulls the stomach upwards when exhalation and relaxes when inhalation, The force used to pull the stomach is exerted from the ulnar side of the small fingers, This is repeated ten times.
(5) Inserting the fingers into the scapula; The patiens takes a sitting position with both arms in back. The operator inserts the index, middle and ring fingers into the space between the scapula and thorax along the medial inferior angle of the scapula, the fingertips exerting a force tolerable to the patient in the directin of the glenoid cavity for one minute, which is then applied to the other side.
Volvulus of Stomach
Volvulus of stomach of the body can be classified into two
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typ<*s : Volvulus along the longitudinal axis or along the transverse axis of the stomach. In general, the former call be corrected by changing the posture of the body, while the latter should be reduced by manipulations. Once stomach volvulus occurs, such symptoms as nausea, vomiting, and abdominalgia may appear, Massotherapy usually give satisfactory results.
1. Selection of points :
Pishu (UB 20),Weishu ( UB 21 ) and Weidi (4.5 cun lateral to the left side of navel).
2. Manipulation :
(1 ) With the patient lying prone, the operator presses and kneads Pishu (US 20) and Weishu ( UB 21) with the thumbs of the two hands, each for one minute.
(2) Supporting 一 vibrating manipulation in lateral recumbent position : After digital pressing of the above points, the patient lies on the left side. Standing behind the patient, the doctor props up Weidi with the overlapped index, middle, ring and small fingers of both hands, followed by the vibrating manipulation. Repetition of the above operation three times may reposit the stomach.
(3) Supporting 一 vibrating manipulation in sitting position: The patient sits with the body tilted slightly forward. Standing at the right side of the patient, the operator places the hypothenar of the right hand on the lower part of the stomach and presses backward while supporting the stomach upward with light force, followed by the vibrating manipulation. In so doing the stomach can also be returned to normal position.
In most cases, the causes of constipation include : ( 1 ) digestive hypofunction and decreased physical activity in old or middle 一 aged persons, or decleased intestinal volume due to small amount
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of total intake of intake of too lime fibrous foods; (2) attenuation of defecting muscular groups ( diaphragmata. abdominal or elevator ani muscles) due to various diseases; (3) neuropsychic factors, irritable colon or effects of drugs, which result in long fecal retention and over absorption of water in the rectum.
Constipation can cause a series of adverse reactions such as dizziness,headache,lassitude,poor appetite,bitter taste, abdominal distension, and abdominalgia, due to stagnated fecal masses and obstructed intestinal tract; Massage can be useful in relieving constipation.
1. Selection of points :
Zhongwan ( Ren 12 ) , Tianshu (St 25 ) , Qihai ( Ren 6 ), Dachangshu ( UB 25 ),and Zhigou ( SJ 6 ) plus abdominal and sacorcoccygeal regions.
2. Manipulation :
(1 ) Kneading the abdomen : The patient lies supine and kneads the abdomen clockwise around the navel with the two overlapped palms. The manipulation usually lasts 2 〜3 minutes. The palms should exert some pressure on the abdomen and the rate of movement should be moderate or slightly rapid.
(2) zhongwan ( Ren 12),Tianshu ( St 25),Qihai ( Ren 6) and Zhigou ( SJ 6 ) are pressed and kneaded with the middle finger or thumb until a sensation of aching and distension is obtained. At the same time,the vibrating manipulation call be used as an auxiliary measure. The manipulation lasts half a minute at each point ; but for Tianshu ( St 25 ),it lasts 1 〜2 minutes.
(3) Pinching the abdominal muscles: The patient lies on the back with the hips and knees flexed to relax the abdominal muscles. The operator holds the abdominal muscles as much as possible in one hand, and pinches them form top to bottom for one mi-
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nute. After that, the abdomen is pushed again from top to bottom alternately with the two palms for 2 minutes.
(4 ) Pressing and kneading Dachangshu ( UB 25 ) : The patient takes a lying or sitting position,props with the palmar side of the thumb or middle finger against Dachangshu (1.5 cun lateral to the spine between L5 and S{ ) , and then kneads the point for one minute.
(5) Downward pushing the sacriococcygeal area: The patient sit lies prone, pushes the lumbosacral portion downward to the coccygeal tip with the palmar sides of the index, middle and ring fingers or hypothenar for 2 minutes.
With the above manipulations performed every day, therapeutic effect can be expected after 1 〜2 weeks of treatment.
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所谓本,是指胰腺的功能。我们采用按揉背部胰俞穴 (胸八旁开1.5寸);轻摩胰脏在腹壁投影区(即左、右梁门 和中脘穴区处),以图提高胰腺的功能(因缺乏生化指标的测 定,目前尚属推理)。
以上用标本辨证治疗方法,是我们通过8年多临床经验总 结出来的,其疗效优于传统辨证施治的推拿法。
①患者俯卧,医者用按揉法,按揉脊旁两侧腰肌3 ~5分 钟;再推拿臀部及双下肢后侧肌群约10分钟。点按胰俞穴 2~3分钟。
临床上运用本法应注意灵活变通,点按穴位可根据中医辨 证而加减肺俞、肾俞、脾俞、胃俞等穴位。
①吴某,女,53岁,1994年11月体格检查时发现为糖尿 病。当时空腹血糖为15.29mmoI/L,餐后血糖为26. 40mmOI/ L,尿糖3个半加号。最后诊断为非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病。经 手法治疗两次尿糖呈2个加号,8次治疗后尿糖阴阳性,10次 治疗后尿糖呈阴性,空腹血糖降到9.9mmoI/L。经两个月治疗 后,空腹血糖为4.4mmoI/L,餐后血糖6. 27mmoI/L。过度疲 劳和饮食注意不够,血糖偶有一时性升高现象。
②谢某,男,70岁。系胰岛素依赖型糖尿病,每日用胰 岛素50单位,历时30年。血糖仍高达llmmoI/L,并伴有末 梢神经炎,双足部感觉丧失,小腿内侧皮肤黧黑。经推拿治疗 两周后,令患者开始逐渐减少胰岛素用量。经3周半的治疗, 患者自动将胰岛素用量减少了 60%,而血糖降到6. 22mmol/ L0足部感觉恢复,小腿皮肤红润。
③高某,男,55岁。系胰岛素依赖型糖尿病,每日用胰 岛素治疗已历时20年,血糖仍在llmmoI/L以上。经推拿两
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周后,让其逐渐减少胰岛素用量,但患者未执行。当推拿治疗 3周半时,患者突然出现低血糖症状,测定血糖为2.81mm0I/ Lo令减少胰岛素用量一半,3天后血糖为4.40mmoI/L,不再 出现低血糖症状。
①我们采用标、本兼治的推拿疗法治疗糖尿病,对胰岛素 依赖型和非依赖型糖尿病,均有一定疗效。
②通过②③两例患者对比,我们推断推拿疗法对胰腺功能 有可复倾向。但尚缺乏生化指标的证实,有待今后通过实践进 一步加以验证。
③已经采用药物治疗的患者,当推拿治疗两周后,酌量逐 渐减药,直至完全不用药物仍保持正常1个月后可停止治疗。 患者血糖不甚高者或停药后不致造成血糖升高危象者,推拿治 疗一开始,即停服一切药物。患者血糖值很高时,我们采取药 物和推拿同时治疗的方法。
推拿治疗糖尿病,属非药物疗法范畴,目前尚属探讨阶 段,我们采用的方法虽有一定疗效,由于例数有限,不能作系 统报道。再因个人水平有限,仅作一般探讨,有不当之处,望 同道批评,指正。 |